Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2012-13 Trojan Wrestling Team

The 2012-13 Trojan Wrestling pre-season is off to a great start. The returning upper classmen leadership of Bryce Alexander, Dan Capp, Nathan Downs, Tommy Pickens, and Jake Hare is setting the pace for training. Junior transfer 197 lb wrestler Dan Carey (Waubonsee College) is also helping taking the lead with the upper weights.  New comers to watch out for this season are freshmen Bryar Ginther, Caleb Shuck, Matt Mattingley, Tyler Sonnabend,  James Townsend, Brady Ruby, Nigel Burnett, and Mike Wright. Pictures of each 2012-13 Trojan Wrestling team member and managers have been posted on our Facebook team page. Join our Facebook page by clicking here.