Another area that was emphasized at the Academy was the Head Coaches need to get outside the wrestling room and do more to market the program. I must admit that this is an area I need to work on. I have some sat down with and wrote down some goals that I have to get the ball rolling. If any fans of HLG wrestling want to help me out with ideas or volunteerism, I would be happy to hear your thoughts and involve you in building up this program.
One of the last discussions the coaches of all NCAA divisions and the NAIA had together was concerning the change of wrestling season from a winter sport to a spring sport. I see the pros and cons behind the season change and perhaps there will be some sort of compromised, but I agree with Barry Davis (Wisconsin)that the change of season is only part of the solution to the marketing of our sport. Another important part of wrestling success is when coaches take responsibility for our sport and giving our athletes expectations to be professional, honest, and respectable in their appearance and conduct. However, this responsability is not just a college coach responsibility. This responsability needs to start out in our kids clubs all across the nation today. We as college coaches need to help coaches at the lower level see this if they don't already.
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